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Kotzo shel Tzabar (The thorn of Tzabar):

The large whole-page columns with a line or ink drawing in the middle appeared during 1960, 1961 and 1962 in Ha’olam Hazze. Shimon started writing for Ha'olam Hazze on the 10th of August 1960 and continued to do so until the 4th of August 1962. During that time he was also on the editorial board (read about his experiences in Ha'olam Hazze, his reasons for leaving Ha'aretz and joining Ha'olam Hazze, and his reasons for eventually leaving Ha'olam Hazze). He contributed a column almost every week (in 1960, 20, in 1961 47, and in 1962, 25 columns). Of these 92 columns, 15 have been selected for the website [H] to show the range of topics Shimon was interested to write about, his journalistic style, his painstaking research, humour and his being political even when he is not.